Quick Start
We all rely on insulation. The basic equations are relatively simple, but what do they mean?
This app is part of the trio of Conductive (Insulation and Flow), Convective and Radiative heat transfer.
//One universal basic required here to get things going once loaded
window.onload = function () {
//restoreDefaultValues(); //Un-comment this if you want to start with defaults
//Main() is hard wired as THE place to start calculating when inputs change
//It does no calculations itself, it merely sets them up, sends off variables, gets results and, if necessary, plots them.
function Main() {
//Save settings every time you calculate, so they're always ready on a reload
//Send all the inputs as a structured object
//If you need to convert to, say, SI units, do it here!
const inputs = {
K: sliders.SlideK.value / 1000, //mW to W
L: sliders.SlideL.value / 1000, //mm to m
h: sliders.Slideh.value / 1000, //mm to m
TG: sliders.SlideTG.value,
TB: sliders.SlideTB.value,
// tmax: sliders.Slidetmax.value,
Material: document.getElementById("Material").value,
//Send inputs off to CalcIt where the names are instantly available
//Get all the resonses as an object, result
const result = CalcIt(inputs);
//Set all the text box outputs
document.getElementById('Q').value = result.Q;
if (result.plots) {
for (let i = 0; i < result.plots.length; i++) {
plotIt(result.plots[i], result.canvas[i]);
//You might have some other stuff to do here, but for most apps that's it for Main!
//Here's the app calculation
//The inputs are just the names provided - their order in the curly brackets is unimportant!
//By convention the input values are provided with the correct units within Main
function CalcIt({ K, L, h, TG, TB, Material }) {
const delta = TG - TB
const Q = Math.abs(K * delta / L)
const Vals = Material.split(",")
const rho = parseFloat(Vals[1])
const Cp = parseFloat(Vals[2])
const D = K / (Cp * rho) //Thermal diffusivity
const Dh = D / h //Now the total mass
const nSteps = 1000
let T = [], tTot = 1, tTotCount = 0, Tnow = TG
//Try different nice-looking timescales in minutes
const tStep = [1, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000]
while (Math.abs(Tnow - TB) > 0.9 && tTot < 10000) {
Tnow = TG; tTotCount += 1; tTot = tStep[tTotCount], T = []
for (let i = 0; i < nSteps; i++) {
Tnow -= Dh * (Tnow - TB) / L * tTot / nSteps * 60 //Calculations are in seconds!
T.push({ x: i / nSteps * tTot, y: Tnow })
//Now set up all the graphing data.
const plotData = [T]
const lineLabels = ["T °C"]
const myColors = ["blue"]
//Now set up all the graphing data detail by detail.
const prmap = {
plotData: plotData, //An array of 1 or more datasets
lineLabels: lineLabels, //An array of labels for each dataset
colors: myColors, //An array of colors for each dataset
hideLegend: true,
borderWidth: [2],
xLabel: 't&min', //Label for the x axis, with an & to separate the units
yLabel: 'T&°C', //Label for the y axis, with an & to separate the units
y2Label: null, //Label for the y2 axis, null if not needed
yAxisL1R2: [], //Array to say which axis each dataset goes on. Blank=Left=1
logX: false, //Is the x-axis in log form?
xTicks: function (value, index, ticks) { if (value.toPrecision(2).includes("1") || value.toPrecision(2).includes("5")) { if (value >= 1) { return value.toFixed(0) } else { return value.toPrecision(1) } } else { return "" }; },
logY: false, //Is the y-axis in log form?
yTicks: undefined, //We can define a tick function if we're being fancy
legendPosition: 'top', //Where we want the legend - top, bottom, left, right
xMinMax: [,], //Set min and max, e.g. [-10,100], leave one or both blank for auto
yMinMax: [,], //Set min and max, e.g. [-10,100], leave one or both blank for auto
y2MinMax: [,], //Set min and max, e.g. [-10,100], leave one or both blank for auto
xSigFigs: 'P3', //These are the sig figs for the Tooltip readout. A wide choice!
ySigFigs: 'P3', //F for Fixed, P for Precision, E for exponential
//Now we return everything - text boxes, plot and the name of the canvas, which is 'canvas' for a single plot
return {
plots: [prmap],
canvas: ['canvas'],
Q: Q.toPrecision(3),
We want insulation to stop heat flowing from a hot exterior to a cold interior (e.g a fridge) or from a warm interior (e.g. a room) to the colder exterior. Let's call the temperature we want to preserve TG for Good and the external temperature TB for Bad. The difference between them is ΔT.
The amount of heat (in Joules, J) that flows per second (J/s = W, Watts) per m² is the flux Q which depends on the thickness of the insulation, L, the ΔT at any given time and the thermal conductivity K which is in units of W/mK:
The app calculates Q0 from your inputs at the moment the temperature difference is set up. To see the implications of the parameters we can watch what happens over time if we assume that all the heat that flows goes into changing TG. To do that we need to know the mass (per unit area) of the material so you supply its thickness h and choose a material with its indicated density (kg/m³) and specific heat capacity C (J/kgK), i.e. the amount of heat needed to raise 1kg of material by 1°K.
As ΔT gets smaller, the rate of temperature change decreases, so you get the classic exponential approach to equilibrium. The timescale of the calculation automatically adjusts so that you see this approach to equilibrium value in 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 ...s.